We do our best work across three spaces
(that often intersect)
Facilitating group discussions with teams, organisations, and communities to build shared understandings, explore options, and create consensus on pathways forward.
Strategic or operational planning
Team building / dynamics
Change management
Graphic Recording
Illustrating discussions and presentations live and in full view of the group. Kinda like visual minutes. The forming mural prompts thinking, discussion, and memory retention. And you’ve got something pretty to share at the end.
2024 projects
In 2024, we delivered:
21 facilitation projects
37 graphic recording projects, and
21 illustration projects.
We worked primarily with community controlled organisations, not-for-profits and Government departments in community development, environmental and mental health spaces.
We provided roughly 10 pro-bono projects to grassroots organisations, events and individuals.
2023 projects
In 2023, we delivered:
42 facilitation projects
36 graphic recording projects, and
24 illustration projects.
We worked primarily with community controlled organisations, not-for-profits and Government departments in community development, environmental, health, mental health and education spaces.
We provided roughly 8 pro-bono projects to grassroots organisations, events and individuals.
Bringing complex information and stories to life in simple visual formats, often condensing large amounts of data into simple language formats to support engagement activities.
Plan and document visualisation
Rich pictures
Engagement booklets / posters
Strategic and Operational Planning with
Kimberley Land Council Representative Council
Goolburri Aboriginal Health Advancement Company Limited
Dujimerrup Twonkup Aboriginal Corporation Living Farm
GP Down South
DLG Great Southern
Bindjareb DLG
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (WA Branch)
Banjelungup Aboriginal Corporation
Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Health Consumers Council (WA) Inc
Centacare Kimberley
RANZCP Advocacy Strategy
RANZCP – Workforce Development Strategy
Land and Sea Management Planning with
Kimberley Indigenous Saltwater Advisory Group - 2024 ISWAG Forum
Murdoch University – Pre workshop for the 25th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions – Gnaala Karla Boodja Joint Management workshops
Gnaala Karla Booja Aboriginal Corporation – Joint Management workshop
Topic Specific workshops with:
Nutrien Ag Solutions - South West Livestock Workshop
DLGSCI & WAITOC – Aboriginal Cultural Centre workshop
Quash Soundproofing – Team Workshop
NAILSMA – Workshops on the National Indigenous Environmental Research Network (NIERN)
Local Government Professionals WA – National Age Friendly Conference
WA Primary Health Alliance - GP Summit
Department of Communities – Aboriginal Employee Network (AEN Forum)
Conservational Council of WA - 2024 Annual Conference
The Australian Institute of Family Studies - Elder Abuse Forum
The Kids Research Institute Australia – Journey Together Initiative Forum
Horizon Power – Deadly Power Mob conference
Bindjareb Djilba Kaadadjan Bidi Yarning Circle - Workshop
Brewhub – Team Session
Planning Institute of Australia – Annual Symposium
Bega Garnbirringu Health Service – Goldfields Suicide Prevention workshops
North Australian Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) - Reimagining Conservation 2024
Rural Health West – Ongoing conferences
NACCHO – Maternal and Child Health workshop
Department of Education WA – Directorate Day
NACCHO – National Conference
Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation – Suicide Prevention workshops
Department of Communities - Commissioning and Contracting Division workshop
WALGA & DWER - Waste Resource and Recovery Conference
Australasian Association of Distance Education Schools (AADES) - Biennial Conference
Richmond Wellbeing – Men’s Wellbeing and Mental Health conference
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development – Community Resource Centres conference
Small Business Development Corporation - Digital Engagement Workshop
Tjallara Consulting - Aboriginal Healing Framework
ASHM – Sexual Wellbeing Webinar
Aboriginal Health Council of WA – Annual conferences
Department of Communities -AOD Statewide Forum
DMIRS – Engagement workshop
Horizon Power – Divisional Day
Department of Justice – Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy workshops
Geosciences Australia – Engagement Workshop
Learning Dimension Network – Strategy workshop
Horizon Power – Remote Communities launch day
Royal Flying Doctor Service – Strategy day
DPIRD – Evolve Ag Showcase
Richmond Wellbeing – Strategy Day
Kimberley Land Council - Ranger Pathways Poster
Department of Health and Aged Care - Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner's Community Report booklet
The Kids Research Institute Australia – StoP Project booklet
Shire of Narembeen – Save Our Country Kids infographic
Horizon Power - Infographics
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation – Yule River Bush Meeting Call To Action illustrations
Department of Fire and Emergency Services – Australian Warning Signs infographic
Kimberley Community Legal Services – Poster design
Horizon Power – Safety Messages poster
Horizon Power – Community Power Models illustrations
Horizon Power – Remote Communities booklet
Yorgum Healing Services – Co-designed Children’s Booklets
Pilbara Aboriginal Health Alliance – Storymap illustration
City of Karratha - SCP2030 Infographic
Great Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation – Infographic
Telethon Kids Institute – START Project Booklet
Telethon Kids Institute – Journey Together booklet
Pilbara Aboriginal Health Alliance – Our Story Our Way infographic
Valued Lives Foundation – Making Home Real infographic
Horizon Power – Kimberley Solar infographics
Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation – Sea Country infographics
Strategic and Operational Planning with:
Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation
Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation
Centacare Kimberley
Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Essential Personnel
Kimberley Community Legal Service – Operational planning
Kimberley Indigenous Saltwater Advisory Group – Annual Conference and strategic planning
Kimberley Land Council Land and Sea Management Unit
Legal Aid Kununurra
Mayala Inninalang Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Nyul Nyul Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Patricia Giles Centre for Non Violence
Pharmacy Guild of Australia (WA Branch)
WA Indigenous Tourism Operators Council
Topic Specific workshops with:
DMIRS Building Surveyors Code of Conduct workshop
GRDC National Grains Extension conference
SA DEW Grant writing training
Shire of York Operational priority setting workshop
WA Health Immunisation Program workshop
WA Health State STI&BBV Strategy engagement
Land and Sea Management planning with:
Bardi Jawi and DBCA Joint Management Language Plan
Bardi Jawi Niimidiman Aboriginal Corporation and DBCA Sea Country priorities workshop
Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation and DBCA for Garaanngaddim (Horizontal Falls) commercial tour operator engagement
DBCA Marine Science Program team workshop
DPIRD Aboriginal Engagement Strategy workshop
DPIRD Aboriginal Fishing Strategy development
Karajarri Traditional Lands Association and DPC Bidyadanga Land Activation initiative
Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation, Looma Communtity Incorporated and DPLH ALT divestment workshop
Winjan Aboriginal Corporation and DPIRD East Keralup Master Planning workshops
Aboriginal Health Council of WA – 2023 State and Youth Conference scribing
Australian Aphasia Association – 2023 Conference scribing
Aventedge – Women in Leadership forum
Curtin University – Research Showcase event
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions – Dambimangari Sea Country workshop
Department of Health and Aged Care – Kimberley ACCHO Aged Care workshop
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation – Statewide scribing for engagement on the development of the WA Biodiscovery Bill
Department of Transport – 2030 Roadmap Workshop scribing
Dorth and Cuthbert – Heritage Manaement Plan engagement with Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board - Australian Sea Lions science priorities workshop
Newmont Australia – Boddington Community Workshop scribing
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School - School vision workshop with 100+ staff
Planning Institute of Australia – WA State conference scribing
Real Estate Institute of Australia – Conference scribing
Royal Life Saving Society Australia – World Drowning Prevention Symposium scribing
Rural Health West – Conference scribing
St Patrick’s Community Support Centre – Imagined Future workshop
Telethon Kids Institute – StoP Skin Health project yarns and scribing
Vesco Foods – Product ideation workshop
WA Indigenous Tourism Operators Council – World Indigenous Tourism Summit
WA Police Force – Dandjoo event scribing
Wanslea Foundation – BIG Playdate community day live mural
WesCEF – Strategy workshop
Child and Adolescent Health Service – Rare Care Centre booklet
City of Fremantle - Posters for the rollout of the Verge Valet program
Department of Communities – Kimberley Flood Recovery posters and Brochures
Department of Justice – Brochures and posters for the Coroner’s Court of WA
Patricia Giles Centre for Non Violence – Annual Report icon illustration
Pilbara Aboriginal Health Alliance – Engagement booklets
Queensland University of Technology – Digital Child Australia conference
Standby Suicide Postvention service – Brochure illustration
Valued Lives Foundation - Brochures for the Making Home Real program
Yorgum Healing Services – Children’s book codesign and development
Facilitator, Graphic Recorder & Illustrator
Will has been facilitating workshops with groups and teams for 15+ years and graphic recording for 7 years.
His facilitation skills are complimented by a Bachelor of Arts (Communications) from UWA and completion of the Company Directors Course with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Will has zen-like patience honed over 27 years as a tragic supporter of the Fremantle Dockers football team
Graphic Recorder, Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Since acquiring her Bachelor of Arts degree from Curtin University, Peta has amassed 8+ years of experience in various facets of visual arts including illustration, graphic design, animation and mural painting. She has been graphic recording for 2 years, combining the skills she acquired across diverse visual disciplines.
Her approach involved honing her artistic skills as well as actively engaging in deep listening to gain a broader perspective on a wide array of topics. She values the rich experience of learning from individuals with diverse backgrounds and skillsets. Peta takes satisfaction in the process of utilising visual metaphor to forge innovative connections between ideas.
When she's not immersed in her creative pursuits on screen, Peta enjoys all things outdoors including hiking and camping.
Bevan has been working with groups using facilitation and participative processes for 30+ years.
He started life on a sheep farm, leaving to study agriculture and psychology. He was introduced to facilitation in 1990 and this participatory discipline has been the foundation of his work from that time.
He is an inveterate collector of firewood and often spends Saturdays scouring verge collections for unloved jarrah rafters
Graphic Recorder & Illustrator
Neda is based in Broome WA and blends her personal artistic practice with her experience as a secondary school teacher (art and science) to convey complex concepts through visual narratives. Her journey spans regional leadership in education, community development, community arts and youth work.
Driven by a passion for inclusivity, Neda collaborates with individuals from varied backgrounds, notably the immigrant and refugee communities. Her experience extends across diverse sectors including environmental initiatives, First Nations land management and healthcare.
In her spare time, Neda enjoys exploring the Kimberley coast chasing coral trout and mud crabs.
Becci is highly motivated and energetic with a passion for understanding how people react and interact. This led to her keen interest in independent facilitation.
She has designed, delivered and reported on hundreds of engagements across a huge range of clients and topics, over a period of 15+ years. She also takes a facilitative approach to her consulting roles.
Becci’s career is built upon a strong academic background in languages and cultural studies, having attained a University of Oxford Honours Degree in Arabic and Persian and a Masters Degree in International Relations. She enjoys most things outdoors - running, kayaking, and managing her property with its ever-expanding family of animals!
We’ve learned one thing in 2,000+ workshops - they’re complex critters.
Our job as facilitators is to take this complexity and transform it into an effortless experience for everyone involved to do their best, most present, and most creative work together.
During the workshop, you can trust that our facilitators will always display and balance the following skills:
Participation - Everyone has a piece of the puzzle and everyone is different, so we’re always looking for ways to encourage participants to engage and contribute in a way that feels comfortable for them. A safe, comfortable, and genuine vibe is of paramount importance to us.
Active Listening - We’re always listening for what is (and what isn’t) being said and how that’s affecting the task at hand and the group dynamic. Listening is verbal and non-verbal.
Questioning - We employ a careful mix of open-ended probing, reframing, and confirming questions to keep the group on track, stimulate discussion, and ensure participation.
Problem-solving - Whilst you’re solving the problem, we’re keeping an eye on the way you solve it; by ensuring you’re defining the problem, exploring the causes, considering a range of solutions and taking the time to select the best solution.
Conflict - Hey, it happens (we’d be more worried if there wasn’t a little tension), so conflict between group members should always be prepared for and dealt with constructively.
Neutrality and Empathy - It’s our job to model an open, non—judgemental and neutral mindset to get the group to a similar space. It’s important that we’re ‘stepping into another’s shoes’ so to speak.
Purposeful - We’ve agreed to a purpose for the workshop and it’s important that we manage our time, energy and efforts to strive towards that purpose.
Graphic Recording
We bring your ideas to life in vibrant, engaging visuals.
Graphic Recording involves us attending your conference or workshop to listen in and translate your complex ideas into clear, memorable visuals in real time and in full view of the group. This helps participants see the bigger picture as it unfolds.
Graphic recording has a range of benefits:
Crystal Clear - Graphic recording transforms complex concepts into clear and concise visuals, making information more accessible and understandable for everyone involved.
People Love Stories - Visual storytelling engages audiences more effectively than traditional methods, ensuring that your message is not only heard but remembered.
Stays in the Brain - People tend to remember visual information better than text alone. Graphic recording creates memorable images that reinforce key points.
It’s Sparks Ideas - The visual aspect of graphic recording stimulates creativity and inspires new ideas, fostering an environment of innovation during brainstorming sessions and meetings.
People Get Involved - Graphic recording encourages active participation by turning meetings into interactive visual experiences. This inclusivity fosters collaboration and team engagement.
Makes Decisions Easier - Visual summaries created through graphic recording serve as quick reference tools, helping teams make decisions faster and stay focused on key priorities.
Sweet Memories - Whether used in conferences, workshops, or presentations, graphic recording creates memorable and visually appealing documentation of events, leaving a lasting impact on participants.
A Social Practice
Graphic recording / scribing is more than just visual notetaking in a meeting setting - it is a visibly social practice. The scribe and participants are creating together, live and in real-time, as meaning is made through dialogue and connection in a workshop.
As a social practice, graphic recording seeks to ensure everyone is participating and involved.
Rather than being a shiny distraction in a session, well-planned scribing should provide ongoing and welcoming opportunities for participants to become involved in the discussion — to keep pace with things and literally become ‘a part of the picture’.
The scribe is engaged to listen deeply throughout, keeping an ear out and a pen busy, to ensure everyone is empowered with these opportunities.
Illustration brings your ideas to life, turning abstract concepts into compelling visuals that captivate, clarify, and connect with your audience.
Whether for branding, education, or storytelling, custom illustrations offer a powerful way to communicate your message.
Crystal Clear – Illustration simplifies complex ideas, breaking them down into visually engaging content that’s easy to understand and remember.
Branding with Personality – Custom illustrations add uniqueness and character to your brand, making your message stand out in a crowded marketplace.
People Love Stories – Visual storytelling draws people in, creating a deeper emotional connection with your audience and making your content more engaging.
Sticks in the Mind – Studies show that people remember images better than words. Custom illustrations create memorable visuals that reinforce key messages.
Inspires Creativity – Whether for marketing, education, or internal communication, illustrations spark imagination and bring fresh energy to your ideas.
Boosts Engagement – Dynamic and eye-catching visuals capture attention instantly, increasing audience interaction and making content more shareable.
A Lasting Impression – Unlike stock images, bespoke illustrations create a unique, timeless identity that resonates with your audience long after they’ve seen it.