We do workshops. Visually.

Groups, consensus and pictures.

Workshop Facilitation. Graphic Recording. Illustration.

We’ve delivered over 2,000 workshops in 35 years.

The situations are ever-changing but the common threads in all of our work are:

  • Everyone has something special to contribute, no matter how small or softly

  • Teams and communities hold and carry their own questions and answers

  • We learn and grow through story, simplicity and visuals

  • If you don’t do what feels right now, then when?



A visual invitation

As a social practice, graphic recording seeks to ensure everyone is participating and involved.

Rather than being a shiny distraction in a session, well-planned scribing should provide ongoing and welcoming opportunities for participants to become involved in the discussion — to keep pace with things and literally become ‘a part of the picture’.

The scribe is engaged to listen deeply throughout, keeping an ear out and a pen busy, to ensure everyone is empowered with these opportunities.

A shared experience

Graphic recording / scribing is more than just visual notetaking in a meeting setting - it is a visibly social practice.

The scribe and participants are creating together, live and in real-time, as meaning is made through dialogue and connection in a workshop.

These timelapse videos capture the process of those shared dialogues.